Sonia Desiderio

Complementary Health Therapist


A sensible balanced diet and lifestyle is essential for creating and maintaining optimal health and wellbeing. Malnourishment, eating too much or too little and/or making poor food choices, can be the root cause of many of today’s health problems and diseases.

As a Nutritionist I apply the scientific knowledge to promote an understanding of the effects of diet on health and well being.


During a Nutrition Consultation I will help you identify areas of stress and best action to take to achieve your desired goals thus increasing energy levels and dealing with modern stressful lifestyles. Work out which are the best foods for you as an individual to help your body repair itself by optimising digestion, defence, repair and immune systems.


Sonia has been a practising complementary therapist since 1991. She is a qualified reflexologist and kinesiologist with a degree in Human Nutrition.



London Address:

248 Ashmore Rd
W9 3DD
